Thursday, November 13, 2008

White Supremacy? Really?

Recently on the news and in the newspaper I have seen allegations for two men being convicted of plotting to kill now President-elect Barrack Obama. To me, this really just makes me sick. In class we have been talking about the Constitution and how slavery was "put off" for twenty years, from 1776 to 1808, in the document to avoid issues with the South. Since then, slavery has been abolished and blacks have gained rights equal to white men. The African American society has come so far from where they were before, and I really feel like this happening was a major step back from the progress made because this biggot-like behavior, believe it or not, is still occuring. The fact that our new president is black is a major achievement in black history, and for this conviction of two white supremacists to happen just amazes me. I really didn't think there were people like that anymore. People I have discussed our new African American president with have said that some of their extended family did not want Obama to become president simply because he is black. This showed me that it wasn't so long ago that blacks were severely discriminated against. Our grandparents witnessed the protests and speeches of Martin Luther King...this wasn't something that happened a million years ago. On the news when Obama was elected president they talked about how teens around my age and young adults in their twenties don't see Obama as a "black man," they see him as a symbol for change and an incredibly smart, enthusiastic person. Our grandparents and even some of our parents, however, still have that identification of him. This shows progress for our country as a whole, and how prejudice is being minimized. But the allegations toward the two White Supremacists, among all this evidence of progress, had a really big impact on me. 

Oh, heres the article if you're interested

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