Monday, October 6, 2008

Global Warming: Seeing May Cause Believing

As I was browsing through i came across a slideshow and article involving global warming and its effects on the planet. We've all seen and heard about global warming, and it is no new news that it is a very current and debatable issue in society today, but this article caught my eye. It begins with a slideshow of pictures and quotes from a man named Gary Braasch. He talks about the impact of glacier melting especially in Antarctica and how 160,000 glaciers are currently melting. He discusses his experiences with exploring Antarctica and what adventures had come about when taking in all this information. After reading Everythings an Argument, I understood that this was pathos because it connected to me on a personal level through Braasch's experiences. The visual appeal and array of pictures dealing with pollution control and glaciers give you the "shock factor" they want you to feel so that the issue resonates with you. He also uses ethos with various types of evidence because he talks about how the climate change might not effect our lives currently , but in reality we are experiencing change with where we can grow plants, how much water we have and weather patterns. Braasch explains that the first fifteen years we knew about global warming no one did anything because there was no evidence in pictures to back it up. Logos was a factor in this news brief because there was logical evidence of the snow caps and glaciers melting. Now that people can see for themselves, it is necessary to raise awareness as much as possible to prevent this type of rapid, drastic climate change.

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